Thursday, 17 February 2011

Tips: Cheese Spread or Requeijao

Hi everybody,

Yesterday, chatting with some friends, talking about food and saying how we miss some brazilian delicatesses we remembered the delicious requeijao.

I've been using this cheese spread called "PUCK" for almost 3 years (wich is made in Denmark) and I can say that is much nicer than our chesse spread in Brazil, the texture and the taste is better in my oppinion, and it is creamier and softer than our requeijao.

It comes in two sizes' jars: 500gr and 240gr.
One of the good things of buying the 240gr jar is that you can use the jar as a cup to measures all those recipes that say: "1 copo medida de requeijao de..."

In Bristol you can find it in ASDA (Cribbs Causeway) on the world food session that faces the tills. (I hope they don'y move it). If you know somewhere else that sells it, give us the tip.



Thursday, 20 January 2011

We made it! Biscoito de polvilho

Hello dear friends,

Last meeting was great!
Thanks to you all who are making it possible and so enjoyable. I hope we continue to meet.
Thank you Shirley for everything, to open your home and for the lovely and fun day.
I'm sure that made us happier knowing more about each other, also discovering that we all have quite the same questions about life.
Thank you for teaching us how to make the Biscoito. A huge success!!! I had to hide it from Fabio otherwise my girls wouldn't have eaten their G and B letters.

I will post the recipe later because I don't remember where I put it. If one of you have it easy, please, can you send it to me?

Here is some of the pictures.
I hope you all get jealous and next time you do everything to go. :P



Arlene, Francesca, Regina and Shirley

Shirley and Arlene.
Probably laughing because of some misterious ingredient.

Arlene concentrating...

Iiuia!!! Iiuia!!!

That's meee! Making hearts...
I love hearts.

Regina seems to be enjoying the experience. Doesn't she?

Dear Francesca, for sure the one who really knew how to use the decorating bag.

Biscuits in the oven.


Thanks Shi! I adored my M! The F, B and G too.

Thank you all, girls!


Note que essa nao e' a receita que foi feita, postei esta receita pq e' a que mais se parece com a que fizemos. Tive que encontrar na internet. Assim que testa-la aviso.

500 g de polvilho azedo
1 copo (americano) de leite
1 copo (americano) de óleo de canola
1 copo (americano) de água
1 ovo
1 colher (sopa) de sal
manteiga e farinha de trigo para untar e polvilhar
Modo de Preparo
1. Junte o polvilho e o sal numa tigela grande. Misture e reserve.

2. Coloque o leite e o óleo numa panela e leve ao fogo alto para ferver. Em seguida, retire do fogo e acrescente a mistura na tigela com o polvilho. Mexa rapidamente com uma colher, sem deixar esfriar. Misture até obter uma massa homogênea.

3. Adicione o ovo à massa e misture. Acrescente a água, aos poucos, até que a massa atinja uma consistência mais dura do que a massa de um bolo.

4. Transfira a mistura para uma batedeira e bata até obter uma massa homogênea. Preaqueça o forno a 180ºC (temperatura média). Unte uma assadeira com manteiga e polvilhe com farinha de trigo.

5. Retire a massa da batedeira e coloque-a num saco de confeitar. Para fazer os biscoitos, coloque o bico próximo à assadeira untada e enfarinhada e aperte o saco de confeitar, formando palitos ou argolas com a massa. Você pode fazer biscoitos no formato que desejar, mas cuide para que todos possuam a mesma forma e o mesmo tamanho, assim todos levarão o mesmo tempo para assar.

6. Leve a assadeira ao forno preaquecido e deixe assar por cerca de 15 minutos.

7. Retire os biscoitos do forno e deixe esfriar bem. Guarde-os em recipiente com tampa hermética em local seco e arejado.



Please, note that this is not the one we made, I posted this one because is the most similar with the one we made. As soon as I test it I will let you know.


500 g of polvilho azedo
1 cup (U.S.) milk
1 cup (U.S.) canola oil
1 cup (U.S.) water
1 egg
1 tbsp of salt(tablespoons)
butter and flour for greasing and dusting

Method of Preparation

1. Add the flour and salt in large bowl. Mix and set aside.

2. Put the milk and oil in a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Then remove from heat and add the mixture into the bowl with the flour. Stir rapidly with a spoon without letting it cool. Mix until a dough.

3. Add egg and mix the dough. Add water gradually until dough reaches a consistency harder than the mass of a cake.

4. Transfer mixture to a blender and blend until a dough forms. Preheat oven to 180 º C (average temperature). Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour.

5. Remove the dough from mixer and place into a piping bag. To make the cookies, put the nozzle close to the pan greased and floured and squeeze the pastry bag, forming rings or sticks with the dough. You can make cookies in the shape you want, but please make sure everyone has the same shape and same size, so all it will take time to bake.

6. Take the pan in the preheated oven and bake for about 15 minutes.

7. Remove cookies from oven and let cool well. Store them in airtight container with a lid in a cool dry place.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

January's Meeting

Hello girls,

Our next meeting is going to be at Shirley's house, on the 14th of January from 10am to 2:30pm.

Feel free to bring a drink or any food to share.

We are going to learn how to make Biscoito de Polvilho with chef Shirley. :)

The adress will be send by e-mail to you.

I hope you can make it!


Monday, 11 October 2010

October's meeting

Hi girls!!

The last meeting was held at Regina's house last friday 08/10 and was lovely!
she was very caring as I expected and we had a great time at dinner with her family.
We made a plate usind another Decoupage technic which was quite simple but has to be made with attention and pacience.
I loved it and I received lots of compliments, even from Fabio!!!!

Thank you Regina for having us in your home.

Here is some pictures.
Karina spreading glue on the bottom of the plate.Regina giving us a hand.

The one made by me. I just Loved it!!!! Thanks Regina!The one made by Karina. Beautiful!

Looking forward to meeting you all in november.

Lots of love


Thursday, 15 July 2010

Decoupage class in July.

Hi girls!

We had a great time yesterday! Was so nice to see you all again and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thanks for all the food and entertainment you all brought to my house.

Well done girls, for the boxes, I am very proud of you and I hope you decide to give it a try on some project.
Welcome Regina and Francesca, thanks for joining the group!!
Look at the pics we took. ... Sorry for some unwanted cropping. :¬(




Tuesday, 13 July 2010

July's meeting

Hi girls,

I hope everybody is well!
Our next meeting is going to be held at my house on wednesday 14th of July. You can come around 17:30/ 18:00.
I am going to teach a technic called Decoupage, in wood. You can bring a drink or a food to share and also you will need a little scissors to cut paper.

I haven't heard from some of you untill now, but if you wish to come, just give me a ring. My mobile and house num. are in the last e-mail sent to the group.

Here is the technic applied to a wooden box.

See you tomorrow!


Saturday, 12 June 2010

Successfull second meeting

Hi girls!

Our second meeting took place at Ana's house, yesteday 11/06 and was great! Thank you Ana for the hospitality!! We really enjoyed ourselves and you and Cristine are lovely hosts.The pastel de feira was delicious, I don't know how many I ate! :] Check out some good pictures taken by Arlene.

Thanks again Ana and thanks to all the girls for making it so special.
I hope next time more girls can join us, we missed you all!!



Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Second Meeting

Hi girls,

We now have the date for our second meeting. It is going to happen on 11th of June at Ana's house and she is going to teach us how to make a delicious pastel.
Those are the ingredients that we will need to make it.

  • 1/2 kg de farinha de trigo
  • 1 colher de sopa de óleo
  • Água para dar ponto, eu coloquei 250 ml!
  • 1 colher de chá de sal
  • 1 colher de sopa de aguardente
  • Óleo para fritar
  • 250 g de carne moída
  • 2 ovos cozidos
  • 1 cebola
  • 1 dente de alho
  • 1 colher de sopa de manteiga
  • 100 g de azeitona sem caroço
  • Salsa e cebolinha
  • Sal
  • 1 pitada de pimenta do reino
In English now
  • 1 / 2 kg of wheat flour
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • Water to make the point, I put 250 ml!
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon brandy
  • Oil for frying

  • 250 g ground beef
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 100 g of pitted olives and chives
  • parsley
  • Salt
  • 1 pinch black pepper
Please let me know who is going to attend the meeting to see who is going to bring what and for me to send Ana's address.

Thank you!!


Tuesday, 11 May 2010

New meeting

A new meeting is now being planned. :)
Do not forget to check our posts weekly to be updated with all the news.
The address fo the new meeting is going to be send by e-mail to those who want to attend it.

Feel free to post any comments or send me a message.

Thank you


Thursday, 6 May 2010


Hi girls,

This week we haven't planned a meeting and I think we won't because is already thursday.

We now are going to have officialy two meetings a month, one morning and one afternoon. Why?...because some people works and they can't make it mornings and one meeting a month is not enough to reach everybody. I don't expect everybody to attend both meeting, if you can better but if not is fine. I will be in all of them.
A calendar to guide us. :)
Who wants to be the next and when? E-mail me at
Hope to hear from u all Soon!


Please, ignore the red numbers on the calendars.

Friday, 30 April 2010

We had a great time.

Our first meeting was so nice!! Thanks to all the girls for the great time. Each one of us is special in some way that makes all of it even more special.
We also successfully completed the task with an outstanding result.Congratulations! I loved all your creations.
Made by Arlene, Layla, Luena, Diana and Shirley. Lindas, lindas, lindas!!!!!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

First meeting

Hi Girls,

Tomorrow is the first of hundreds of meetings, hopefully!
I'll be teaching some crafts and we'll need a few materials:
  • scisors to cut paper
  • ruller
  • decorated wraping paper or fabric mesuring around 10x20 cm, in pale colors to make a background.
  • cinnamon stick
  • glue gun if you have one
  • a notebook if you want
  • Eggs box (free range, PLEASE... I'm joking!)
See you tomorrow!

Friday, 23 April 2010

News. Noticias

The days that can reach more people are thursday afternoon and friday morning.

The first meeting is going to be at Mireya's house.
10:00 am 30/04/2010

The next is going to be decided on the day of our first meeting.

Hope to hear from you all soon!



Os dias que abrangem mais pessoas sao quintas de tarde e sextas de manha.

O primeiro encontro sera na casa de Mireya
10:00am dia 30/04/2010

O proximo sera decidido no dia do primeiro encontro.

Espero noticias de todas



Segunda chamada. Second call. Segunda llamada.

Convite. Invitation. Invitacion