Thursday, 20 January 2011

We made it! Biscoito de polvilho

Hello dear friends,

Last meeting was great!
Thanks to you all who are making it possible and so enjoyable. I hope we continue to meet.
Thank you Shirley for everything, to open your home and for the lovely and fun day.
I'm sure that made us happier knowing more about each other, also discovering that we all have quite the same questions about life.
Thank you for teaching us how to make the Biscoito. A huge success!!! I had to hide it from Fabio otherwise my girls wouldn't have eaten their G and B letters.

I will post the recipe later because I don't remember where I put it. If one of you have it easy, please, can you send it to me?

Here is some of the pictures.
I hope you all get jealous and next time you do everything to go. :P



Arlene, Francesca, Regina and Shirley

Shirley and Arlene.
Probably laughing because of some misterious ingredient.

Arlene concentrating...

Iiuia!!! Iiuia!!!

That's meee! Making hearts...
I love hearts.

Regina seems to be enjoying the experience. Doesn't she?

Dear Francesca, for sure the one who really knew how to use the decorating bag.

Biscuits in the oven.


Thanks Shi! I adored my M! The F, B and G too.

Thank you all, girls!


Note que essa nao e' a receita que foi feita, postei esta receita pq e' a que mais se parece com a que fizemos. Tive que encontrar na internet. Assim que testa-la aviso.

500 g de polvilho azedo
1 copo (americano) de leite
1 copo (americano) de óleo de canola
1 copo (americano) de água
1 ovo
1 colher (sopa) de sal
manteiga e farinha de trigo para untar e polvilhar
Modo de Preparo
1. Junte o polvilho e o sal numa tigela grande. Misture e reserve.

2. Coloque o leite e o óleo numa panela e leve ao fogo alto para ferver. Em seguida, retire do fogo e acrescente a mistura na tigela com o polvilho. Mexa rapidamente com uma colher, sem deixar esfriar. Misture até obter uma massa homogênea.

3. Adicione o ovo à massa e misture. Acrescente a água, aos poucos, até que a massa atinja uma consistência mais dura do que a massa de um bolo.

4. Transfira a mistura para uma batedeira e bata até obter uma massa homogênea. Preaqueça o forno a 180ºC (temperatura média). Unte uma assadeira com manteiga e polvilhe com farinha de trigo.

5. Retire a massa da batedeira e coloque-a num saco de confeitar. Para fazer os biscoitos, coloque o bico próximo à assadeira untada e enfarinhada e aperte o saco de confeitar, formando palitos ou argolas com a massa. Você pode fazer biscoitos no formato que desejar, mas cuide para que todos possuam a mesma forma e o mesmo tamanho, assim todos levarão o mesmo tempo para assar.

6. Leve a assadeira ao forno preaquecido e deixe assar por cerca de 15 minutos.

7. Retire os biscoitos do forno e deixe esfriar bem. Guarde-os em recipiente com tampa hermética em local seco e arejado.



Please, note that this is not the one we made, I posted this one because is the most similar with the one we made. As soon as I test it I will let you know.


500 g of polvilho azedo
1 cup (U.S.) milk
1 cup (U.S.) canola oil
1 cup (U.S.) water
1 egg
1 tbsp of salt(tablespoons)
butter and flour for greasing and dusting

Method of Preparation

1. Add the flour and salt in large bowl. Mix and set aside.

2. Put the milk and oil in a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Then remove from heat and add the mixture into the bowl with the flour. Stir rapidly with a spoon without letting it cool. Mix until a dough.

3. Add egg and mix the dough. Add water gradually until dough reaches a consistency harder than the mass of a cake.

4. Transfer mixture to a blender and blend until a dough forms. Preheat oven to 180 º C (average temperature). Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour.

5. Remove the dough from mixer and place into a piping bag. To make the cookies, put the nozzle close to the pan greased and floured and squeeze the pastry bag, forming rings or sticks with the dough. You can make cookies in the shape you want, but please make sure everyone has the same shape and same size, so all it will take time to bake.

6. Take the pan in the preheated oven and bake for about 15 minutes.

7. Remove cookies from oven and let cool well. Store them in airtight container with a lid in a cool dry place.