Thursday, 17 February 2011

Tips: Cheese Spread or Requeijao

Hi everybody,

Yesterday, chatting with some friends, talking about food and saying how we miss some brazilian delicatesses we remembered the delicious requeijao.

I've been using this cheese spread called "PUCK" for almost 3 years (wich is made in Denmark) and I can say that is much nicer than our chesse spread in Brazil, the texture and the taste is better in my oppinion, and it is creamier and softer than our requeijao.

It comes in two sizes' jars: 500gr and 240gr.
One of the good things of buying the 240gr jar is that you can use the jar as a cup to measures all those recipes that say: "1 copo medida de requeijao de..."

In Bristol you can find it in ASDA (Cribbs Causeway) on the world food session that faces the tills. (I hope they don'y move it). If you know somewhere else that sells it, give us the tip.

